How to install?


Install Video Sharing plugin via WordPress uploader:
  • Download Video Sharing plugin from Codecanyon on your device
  • Unzip the file and find folder named webinstall
  • Upload zip file in this folder via WordPress admin panel
    Plugins -> Add New -> Upload -> Choose file -> Find webinstall folder open it, choose and press Open-> Install Now -> Activate Plugin


How to upload video?

Insert video with sharing & events button

1. When you press the button Insert video with sharing & events, dialog will possible video sources will be opened.


2. Choose the source that you want to use. Then fill the information required.

  • Enter video source address

For YouTube and Vimeo you need to paste video source address from the respective media service.

For Self-Hosted video you need to paste the URL of the video uploaded on your site.

  • Customize video width – use this field only if you are going to use custom video width.
  • Choose display position for share buttons – when you choose the position, go to the relevant video mode settings under Video Sharing and set the buttons at Personalize buttons on that display section.

For example if you select Display share buttons on video play


you need to go to Video Sharing -> On video start -> Personalize buttons on that display and make the settings for the share buttons outlook.



  • Custom Tweet – this field is for custom tweet. Let it empty if you don’t want to have custom tweet.




Use Visual Composer Element

If you prefer, you can use Visual Composer to upload an video.

1. Find Video Sharing element


2. At the Video Sharing dialog fill the data required:

  • Video URL – for YouTube and Vimeo you need to paste video source address from the respective media service. For Self-Hosted video you need to paste the URL of the video uploaded on your site.
  • Width – use this field to define custom width. Use value in pixels without px after the number.
  • Height – use this field to define custom height. Use value in pixels without px after the number.
  • Choose video mode where buttons will be displayed – play, pause, end, along with.
  • Position Of Share Buttons – If you choose along with video display for your buttons choose from that drop-down menu where the buttons will be positioned.



Video Sharing Settings

Video API Libraries

At Video API Libraries you can set API loading for video providers you use – YouTube and/or Vimeo. With these setting you optimize the work of the app and of the entire site, because you exclude loading of features you will not use.

Disable YouTube API loading – switch to Yes if your site don’t use YouTube iframe API.

If you have installed another plugin that uses YouTube API you should stay that option turned off. That will prevent loading the API again, which may cause troubles.

For example if you have galleries with YouTube videos on your website, that means you already use YouTube API and you have to stay that option to No.

Disable Vimeo API loading – switch to Yes if your site don’t use Vimeo iframe API.

If you have installed another plugin that uses VimeoAPI you should stay that option turned off. That will prevent loading the API again, which may cause troubles.

For example if you have galleries with Vimeo videos on your website, that means that you already use Vimeo API and you have to stay that option to No.

On video start

Use On video start options if you want to set custom pop-up content at the beginning of the video.

If you set your pop-up to display at the start of the video your message will be shown after the play button is pressed.

Pop up message without share buttons – switch to Yes if you want to display your custom content without share buttons included.

Position of user content – choose from the drop-down menu how your content will be located toward share buttons. This option is useful only when share buttons persist at your pop-up (Pop up message without share buttons is No).

Custom message that will appear with share buttons in pop up – prepare your custom message using all the WordPress functionalities. Here will be applied all the features included at your installation via the theme options. For example sliders, shortcodes, etc.


Deactivate native buttons – switch to Yes if you want to remove native buttons from your pop-up message. By default the natives are active.

Hide message above, before or below 

All the settings under Personalize buttons on that display section are identical with Easy Social Share Buttons’ personalize options. If you use these options, you will set custom button outlook for On video start display only.


On video pause

Use On video pause options if you want to set custom pop-up content at the pause video mode.

If you set your pop-up to display at pause mode of the video, your message will be shown after the pause button is pressed.

All the settings below are absolutely the same as described at On video start. If you need help, please look here.

On video end

Use On video end options if you want to set custom pop-up content at the end of your video.

If you set your pop-up to display at the end of the video your message will be shown after the end of the video.

All the settings below are absolutely the same as described at On video start. If you need help, please look here.

Along with video

Along with video options are used to set buttons that will be visible all the time over the video dialog. These buttons make the share action easy all the time, no matter at what play mode the video is.

When uploading a video, choose the position of the buttons at the video dialog. And the options under Along with video helps to style the buttons. All the options here are absolutely the same as Personalize buttons on that display known from Easy Social Share Buttons’ settings menu.

Style Settings

Settings below will help you easy to customize the outlook of pop up.

Change background color of video pop up – set custom background color for your pop-up video message.

Change color of texts in video pop up – set custom text color for your pop-up video message.

Change shadow overlay color of video pop up – set custom color for window shadow under your pop-up video message.

Customize opacity of shadow – set custom opacity for window shadow. The numbers you have to use are between 0 and 1. 0 is fully transparent and 1 is solid color.

Close icon style – choose between dark and light close button style.

Content padding – set custom padding value. Set number without px. That value will be valid for top, bottom, left and right padding.

Custom pop up width – set custom width of your video pop-up message.